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发布时间:2020-01-14 21:38:30 阅读: 来源:手环厂家

元器件交易网讯 2月13日消息,据路透社报道,韩国LG电子今日推出了新版本大屏智能手机G Pro 2,先于对手吸引客户。据称竞争对手三星电子将于本月底发布新机。苹果公司预计也将在今年推出其大屏iPhone手机。

LG新机G Pro 2采用了2.26GHz的高通Snapdragon 800四核处理器、3GB DDR3 RAM、以及32GB的内置存储(支持microSD扩展)。其它方面,包括功率达到1W的扬声器(LG称音质显著改善)、1300万像素的后置摄像头、以及210万像素的前置摄像头。

LG此时发布新机可能是被迫于对手三星即将推出旗舰Galaxy S智能手机的决定。三星将于2月24日在西班牙巴塞罗那举行的世界移动通信大会上推出Galaxy S智能手机。

LG G Pro 2将在2月下旬登陆韩国市场。LG电子是全球第四大智能手机制造商,该机将自行销售,并没有将其定为全球销售产品。

据来自Strategy Analytics的数据显示,近年来,LG电子的产品和销售已大幅改善,其全球智能手机销售额在2013年跃升了81%。即便如此,对高端机型的大力促销费用已使手机部门出现连续两个季度的亏损。

上周信用评级机构穆迪(Moody)投资者服务公司下调了LG电子的信用评级,理由是持续的价格压力,以及推广新产品的成本高,特别是移动电话。(元器件交易网郭路平 译)


South Korea"s LG Electronics unveiled a revamped version of its large-screen smartphone G Pro on Thursday, seeking to woo customers ahead of a rival offering from market leader Samsung Electronics later this month.

Apple Inc is also widely expected to launch its new iPhone with a bigger screen this year.

The G Pro 2 boasts a 5.9-inch screen, bigger than the 5.5 inch screen of the previous model and one of the biggest on the market. It also has a 1-watt speaker system, a first for smartphones and will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor.

The unveiling of the new G Pro had been expected later this month. LG"s earlier timing may have been prompted by market leader Samsung"s decision to unveil a version of its flagship Galaxy S smartphone on February 24 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, three weeks earlier than expected.

The G Pro 2 will be on the market in Korea in late February. LG, the world"s fourth-biggest smartphone maker by sales, did not announce a global sales target for the phone.

LG Electronics has improved products and sales sharply in recent years and its global smartphone sales jumped 81 percent in 2013, according to data from Strategy Analytics. Even so, heavy promotion costs for high-end models has seen its phone pision post two consecutive quarters of losses.

Credit rating agency Moody"s Investors Service downgraded LG Electronics" credit ratings last week, citing persistent pricing pressures and the high costs of marketing new products, particularly mobile phones.



